Saturday, July 11, 2009

Saturday - Heading Into the Home Stretch

Not much to report, the workouts are fine although I skipped 2 today. I'm burnt out, tired, sore and frustrated :(

Weights and measures on Monday as well as another fasting day. I didn't seem to lose anything with the first fast but Dax assures us that its not immediate. I am frustrated at the lack of weight loss since the first week but know that I am healthier. I am not sure why my body is not responding as quickly to this diet or why I have been at a plateau for 2 weeks. Argh...


  1. I understand your frustration - I'm right there with you. Seems like a lot of hard work and dedication has not yet been rewarded. Our bodies need to realize who is boss! Fat be gone!

  2. It'll happen : )

    Try ot to spend your time frustrated Shelle. Cortisol is a stress hormone and it definitely affects fat loss.

    Chillax! : )

  3. Shelle - me too! we are just the late losers! we are the totoises! they win the race eventually!! keep on going xx
