Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Day 9

It was so nice not to have to have my husband take measurements today. I also kept walking past the scale and looking at it... looking at it.... but we don't weigh in today so I don't need to step on it. THAT was hard! Measurements and weigh-in again on Thursday.

We get to add in a bit of carbs back to the diet today so I'm a happy girl. FRUIT!!!!!! And hummus from the Farmers market this past weekend. I haven't had this brand before, Doctor Hummus, but the guy said its made from fresh (not canned) beans and is tahini free. I bought roasted red pepper hummus to go with my cauliflower today.

I like the change up in workouts we had starting Saturday as well. I'm still slow, slow, slow on alot of the exercises but I'm shooting for good form over reps anyway.

I think on lunch I'll get outside and get some Vitamin D (although its over 100 degrees here Dax!) and maybe walk to Sprouts to get an organic banana or two :) Yumm-O!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Day 8 And Going Strong

This morning brought a loss of 6.4 total lbs since last Monday and 4 inches. I'm measuring at the chest, waist, hips, right thigh, right calf and right bicep. Today was another lower carb day and its taking effect this evening big time. I'm having a fair bit of trouble concentrating and have a bit of a headache to boot. Tomorrow will be a better day though!

I'm really pleased with the program so far. I don't really feel deprived so that's a plus and the weight loss is very good. If I drop the 30lbs, that takes me right back to competition weight. It used to take me 12-16 weeks to drop weight to get to competition and that was when i was younger and spent 1.5 - 2+ hours a day in the gym doing hours and hours of mindless cardio. This time it could be 30 days with one hour of working out a day....

Lets just say, so far in this program, I've been able to do all workouts at home with just 2 sets of dumbells, a mat and a stopwatch. Incredible.

It seems everyone in the group is responding differently to the program. Some are losing inches but no weight, others are dropping big weight but no real noticable inches. Me? I think I'm middle of the road.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Week 1 - Nearly Over

Got up this morning and was concerned about the scale... I felt like I didn't eat "right" yesterday as I didn't eat much in the way of veggies. Dax changed things up on us and we went a bit lower carbs starting yesterday, you'd think I'd lose weight. But no... up a tad.

Overall, still a decent week as I'm down over 4lbs in one week. Not too shabby. Starting next week, he wants us to weigh in on Mondays and Thursday so I won't be obsessing over the little ups and downs. That will be nice.

Our workouts changed with one new one added this today. I was wiped out after the "Wave" workout. I could definitely tell I had low carbs going on!!! Made it thru those 20 minutes and workout 2. Just have one left to do this evening.

Need to finish out the afternoon cooking some food. I'm not a great cook (or imaginative might be a better word) so this part is daunting for me. I keep wanting to go back to my fitness days where I had broiled chicken and steamed broccoli as staples. See? Not very creative.

All in all, a very good week. I was excited to finish that many workouts in one week (3 a day) as I hadn't been consistant enough since the baby to get in 3 a week!

And even though its been a short time, I honestly think I can see some muscles in my shoulders coming in. They always come first but they're always nice to see!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Day 6

Day 6 brings about another small drop in weight to 137.8 which is a total of 5.2lbs lost in 6 days. I have also dropped 3.50 inches from the start based on measurements of my chest, waist, hips, right thigh, right calf and right arm.

Our diet was switched up a bit today with lower carbs being added in and I'm a bit on the grouchy side at the moment :) I did have fun juiced 12lbs of strawberries this morning... went right in the freezer! Can't wait to get my hands on that...

Workouts so far, 2 down, 1 to go.

Got my new computer this weekend as well but haven't hooked anything except the new monitor up. I guess I didn't realize I'd need to buy an external hard drive to do a dump from one to another. Old one is SLOW and tends to boot me out, once the new once is in service, I hope to post more frequent updates!!!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Day 5 - Two Workouts Done So Far

Well, Day 5 and I'm not QUITE as sore this evening. I've got 2 workouts done and am please to say my interval times are dropping. I started with 3 intervals a few days back and came in at 2:48 minutes, 2:53 minutes and 2:59 minutes. I did 4 intervals tonight and came in at 2:24, 2:19, 2:17 and 2:26. I'm sweating like a pig right now!!!

I still feel really good about the diet. Alot of people have asked the specifics of the program and right now I can't share that. I got picked along with about 28 other people to be "guinea pigs" for a new program by Dax Moy (http://mylondonpersonaltrainer.com/). He's already written a great diet called the Elimination Diet which you can find and download free courtesy of Dax. The last 5 days I've been following that diet and I can say I feel great. I honestly thought it would be harder but I've been 100% compliant.

I have one more workout before hitting the rack (no later than 10:30!) and am excited to weigh again tomorrow morning. Tomorrow also holds a trip to Superstition Ranch market and I'm hoping strawberries are still .33/lb. I'd like to get some more to juice and freeze. I'm going to add apples to the strawberries for a tasty treat and freeze that batch as well.

I'll post weights and measurements again tomorrow. Night all!

Day 4 Over and on to Day 5

Yesterday was another hectic day, the baby wanted lots of attention when I got home from work. I managed to get all 3 workouts in and my weight was down to 138.8 yesterday morning.

I'm still very sore but its fading. Its nice that the headache is gone and Im feeling good. I have to say, I don't feel deprived at all.

Day 5 started with my morning workout, I was still sweating from that 20 minute workout AFTER a shower, the drive to work and arriving at my desk. What the heck?

My weight this morning is down to 138.2 so a total of 4.8 from Day 1. I'll take it, down almost 5 lbs in less than a week and I feel GOOD, GREAT, energized even.

I'll post again tonight after the other 2 workouts of the day :)

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Day 3 - Continued

Wow, every part of my body is sore today. Lunges were HORRIBLE and my form wasn't pretty either. Ugh. But my interval times are coming down a few seconds at a time and I did 3 intervals again tonight. Excited to see if there will be any loss in weight or inches tomorrow. Typically I'm a hard loser. I lose a bit in the beginning, then stall, then drop a fair bit again. It's usually frustrating for me to diet.

All 3 workouts done though, food was easy again today. I thought the diet would be alot harder for me since I am completely addicted to sugar. And I mean, completely, Oscar the Grouch when I don't get it, addicted to sugar. So far, so good. I even went grocery shopping tonight with incident... and let me elaborate.

I'm an AVID coupon shopper. I get a rush off getting a good deal. Fry's has a Buy 10, get $3 off sale going on. I got 23 items for $8.42. BUT... I can't eat most of it!!!! The good news, is part of the "haul" will go to my parents (they will be wintering here in AZ). And I was able to get laundry detergent for $1.24 a bottle and McCormick grinders sea salt and black pepper for free. I did get a few other things that are not Elim Diet approved but they went in the pantry (ie: BBQ sauce and 1 jar Ragu pasta sauce).

Now its time to wake the baby to feed her, then off to bed before the 10:30 Dax imposed curfew :)

Night all!

Day 3 - Morning...

So, yet another early morning but at least today I got one workout done prior to heading off to work. Let's start with measurements first:

Chest - down 1 inch from Day 1
Waist - same (ARGH!)
Hips - down 1/2 inch from Day 1
Thighs - same
Calves - up a .25 inch, could just be measuring off?
Arms - same (WHAT? No guns yet?)

Weight this morning.... 139.4. YUPPERS, broke the 140s in just 2 days of diets and 7 workouts. Nice. So, down 3.6lbs in weight so far.

Looks like its working... want more info? Check out www.mylondonpersonaltrainer.com

PS: I should mention, the headache is gone at this point (5:30ish am) but I am EXTREMELY sore. I'll chalk that up to me being lazy with the gym for so long.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Irony

Something funny happened today... I won 15 free shakes at Chick Fil A. Now even funnier, is the fact that the shakes are in Houston, TX. I had texted to win a contest and it ended up being in HOUSTON. Which, I suppose, is a very good thing.

After all, who needs yummy, scrumptious, chocolatey shakes in 108 degree Arizona weather anyway? Right! Who's with me!

Um, ok, I'd really LIKE one... but I'll wait on that :)

Day 2 - The Workouts

Have to do all 3 workouts this evening since I had to spend time this morning packing a lunch and the all important shower before work :)

Workout 1 and 2 both done. Some improvement which is hard to believe since I'm so FRIGGIN' sore! I can't believe how out of shape I've let myself get, its a pity. But hey, that's why I'm doing the challenge right?

Still have one more workout to do in approximately one hour. Then its off to bed! So far the baby has been cooperating and sleeping thru my workouts which is nice. Good thing they're short ;)

Day 2 - Part 1

Day 2 and the RAGING headache continues. I know its good, I know it just means my body is getting rid of CRUD but wow. Ouch.

Got up but didn't have time to workout this am as I was too tired to prep lunch, etc last night so I'll have to do a 5pm, 7pm and 9pm workout tonight. Just hoping the baby cooperates. Either way, I WILL get 3 workouts in to be compliant to the program. I can see the 130's in my very near future. And that would be very motivating!!!!

Will post more later after completing my workouts. Oh! Weight this morning 140.6, down from 143.0 at the start.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Day 1 Workouts and Such

Woke up this morning at 4:45am to make sure I got one workout in before getting the "bird" (aka Baby Girl, aka Piper) ready for daycare. Luckily my hubbie helps M, W, Fri mornings since he does have clients TOO early those days.

Workout one left me a tad sore and definitely tired but revved up for the day.

Workout 2 was after work and picking the bird up at daycare. I find that since letting my workouts slide, I'm slow... have bad form... and generally suck at most of these exercises. But hey, starting at the bottom, only means going upward, right?

Workout 3, much more challenging. I took a nap between workout 2 and 3. Was WIPED out. Got up with a RAGING headache which I assume is from my body "detoxing". I just have to remind myself the headache so subside in 2-3 days.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

My Story

I used to be in shape... really, I did. I don't know what happened between then and now, but I don't like it and would really like my old body back. I'm hoping the "30 lbs in 30 days" weight loss trial with Dax Moy is going to help me with that.

I'm 38 (quickly closing on 39) and had a baby in February of this year. I'm at my personal highest weight and lowest point emotionally. I WANT to be in shape... I'm struggling with how to get back there.

There are MANY reasons I signed on to do the challenge. And yes, I BEGGED to be in this challenge so I'm in it for the long haul. My biggest reason? Well, keeping the cancer at bay.

I was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 34. The tumor measured 5CM in size according to all the scans. My oncologist suggested double mastectomy, chemo and then radiation prior to the surgery. He was cool enough to "allow" me to work with my naturopath while I awaited the surgery.

We changed my diet, no processed foods, lots of juicing and fresh greens and fruits. There was a fair bit of supplementation as well but it worked! When they finally did the mastectomy, I had 3 small tumors, all less than 1CM in size each. It can't be proven, but I'm sure the good eating assisted my body in breaking up the tumor. My lymph nodes were also clear so I escaped chemo AND radiation. I got off scott free basically.

So, you'd think I'd continue to eat that way? Well, its sad to say how quickly I went back to my old eating habits.

So, reason #1... lets keep cancer at bay.

Reason #2. I have food issues. If I don't eat every few hours, I become a raging "beyotch" (sorry hubby). My dad has adult onset diabetes and I fear I'm heading the same direction unless I turn things around. Dad had kidney cancer as well, see a pattern?

Reason #3. I have systemic candida. Mine manifests in many ways but the skin eczema is the one that bothers me the most. I have 2 current outbreaks... one my my shin which I'll monitor for this diet and the other... well, lets say its not comfy and it will NOT be photographed for this, LOL.l

Reason #4. My hair falls out at an alarming rate, my nails are brittle and splitting and the eczema. I know its all related to diet and my gut. Can I have pretty skin, nails and hair back please?

Reason #5. This one is the most superficial. I'd like to compete again in Figure. I did several competitions between the ages of 29 and 33. I have not competed since having breast cancer. I'd like to gain control over my eating and get back on stage. 30lbs puts me basically at competition weight.

Anyway, wow, long post. I'm happy to meet everyone and to join such a determined group of people. Now let's all kick some butt and drop some stubborn bodyfat!!!!

Introduction, Pics & Measurements

Pics and Measurements first... then my story :)

Age: 38, Female

Chest: 36.25 inches
Waist: 37.75 inches
Hips: 40 inches
Thighs: 22 inches
Calf: 13.5 (r) and 14.25 (L)
Arms: 11.75 (r) and 11.5 (L)
Weight: 143.0
I'm doing a "30lbs in 30 days" weight loss trial with London personal trainer, Dax Moy (www.mylondonpersonaltrainer.com). Follow along and see my results!!